Egg & Veg Brunch


Calories: 383 kcal

Carbs: 38g

Protein: 19g  

Fat: 15g


75g baby pearl potatoes

75g courgette chopped

40g red pepper

40g red onion

2 medium eggs

10 sprays low calorie spray oil


1. Boil potatoes in a pan for 8 minutes

2. Chop courgetti, pepper and onion up into small chunks

3. Heat pan on hob with oil at a med-high temperature

4. Once potatoes are soft take them out of the water and add them to the pan with the courgette, pepper and onions.

5. Cook on a medium-high heat for 10 minutes until vegetables start to brown a little bit

6. Make space, add 2 eggs to the pan and cover and let sit for 4 minutes

7. Once eggs are cooked, put onto a plate to serve.


"Sausage" & Roasted Veg


Chickpea Curry