Overnight Oats


Calories: 416

Carbs: 66g 

Protein: 19g 

Fat: 7g


60g Oats

50g protein powder

(I use my Herbalife Rebuild strength)

200ml water

50g strawberries

20g blueberries

5g Low sugar chocolate syrup


1. Mix together the protein powder and water in a blender or shaker until fully combined and your preferred thickness

2. Add combined protein mix to oats, mix well

3. Add to a jar or small bowl and refrigerate for at least 3 hours (over night is best as this way the oats soak up more of the liquid)

4. When ready to eat take out from the fridge give the oats a good mix and pour away any excess liquid if there is any.

5. Add your toppings and your good to go


Baked Oats