Tortilla Pizza


Calories: 480 kcal

Carbs: 52g

Protein: 28g

Fat: 19g

Pizza base Ingredients:

1 whole-wheat tortilla wrap 

1 tbsp tomato puree 

25g reduced fat cheddar cheese 

Toppings (on my pizza): 

50g turkey ham (switch for veggie)

50g sweetcorn 

30g mushroom 

1 egg


1. Pre heat the oven to 180°C 

2. Spread the tomato puree thinly over the pizza, don’t put too much or the pizza will go soggy 

3. Grate your cheese and sprinkle over your pizza, avoiding the middle of the pizza as the egg will go here 

4. Add your toppings on top of the cheese, spreading them evenly and again eating space in the middle of the egg! 

5. Finally crack your egg in the middle of the pizza 

6. Put in the oven for 8-10 minutes or until your egg is cooked and the wrap has browned on the edges and gone crispy 


Turkey Salad


Tomato Turkey Pasta