Chicken Pesto Courgetti


Calories: 280 kcal

Carbs: 12g

Protein: 18g

Fat: 18g


100g chicken breast

135g courgette

50g spinach

15g light butter

15g reduced fat pesto


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

2. Place chicken breast in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until cooked all the way through

3. Using a spiralizer turn your courgette into noodles (if you don’t have a spiralizer, just use some low fat noodles instead)

4. Heat a pan on high with 15g of butter

5. Once the butter is melted add the noodles and cook for 5 minutes

6. Add the spinach for a further 3 minutes

7. Add your courgetti and spinach to a bowl and mx in the pesto

8. Cut your chicken into strips and add to the bowl and enjoy


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